Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Album Reviews, More Creative Writing and Other Shit I Wanna Do!!

Guyssssss!!!!! I'm not sure how many of you actually follow my blog (not many I suppose), BUT to be more precise, my blog was supposed to be about creative writing and stuff like that. However since the starting of this, I have problems having photos that goes along with my writing and most importantly NOT ENOUGH TIME!!! Since I'm having my semester break, I've been wanting to catch up on that. A lot of plans will be blocking this determination of mine but I shall try my utter best. Basically, my blog has been much about the music I fancy and YES!! I wanna start a segment on album reviews. So, I hope you guys will give me feedback and tell me which album should I review TRACK-BY FREAKING-TRACK! See you beautiful little faces soon!!! Peace! ;)))

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